Artificial Intelligence
San Jose, California


Overall Rank: 98
Category: Artificial Intelligence
Category Rank: 5


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Aporia is the leading AI Control Platform, trusted by both emerging tech startups and established Fortune 500 companies to guarantee the privacy, security, and reliability of AI applications. With Aporia, organizations gain robust guardrails for AI, effectively mitigating hallucinations, data leakage, and prompt attacks in real time.

At the heart of the guardrails detection engine lies Aporia Labs, a team comprised of AI and cybersecurity specialists. This team is dedicated to continuously researching and developing cutting-edge methods for identifying and mitigating hallucinations and prompt attacks, ensuring the protection of your brand’s reputation and the trust of your users.

Key Products

AI Guardrails

Aporia’s AI Guardrails solution is designed to ensure robust and unbiased AI product performance. AI Guardrails ensures fair and responsible usage and effectively blocks hallucinations such as discriminatory, untrue, or NSFW responses from LLM/chatbots. In addition to promoting reliable AI output, the solution plays a crucial role in managing data leakage risks and securing sensitive information, such as credit card or medical data, ensuring the privacy and safety of the brand and its end users.

Customer Insights


Aporia’s recent research revealed that 89% of ML engineers in organizations utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI technologies report instances of hallucination in their models.

Key Executives

Liran Hason, CEO and Co-Founder and Alon Gubkin, CTO and Co-Founder

Board Members

Rona Segev (TLV Partners) and Emanuel Timor (Vertex Ventures)


Tiger Global, Samsung Next, TLV Partners and Vertex Ventures

Key Milestones

News and Press Releases

Corporate Responsibility

Aporia’s responsibility extends beyond compliance and innovation. At the heart of thier mission is the promotion of Responsible AI, a commitment that drives every project, product, and partnership we undertake. Central to this ethos is Aporia Labs, their dedicated arm of AI and cybersecurity experts focused on the frontier of generative AI risks. This team researches and explores emerging challenges, such as AI hallucinations, prompt attacks, and the leakage of personally identifiable information (PII), developing proactive AI guardrails to mitigate these risks in real-time. Aporia’s pledge is not only to safeguard the AI ecosystem but also to set new standards in ethical AI, ensuring that our technologies enhance society responsibly and transparently.