As CEO of Manthan, Atul’s single objective is to keep the spirit of invention and innovation alive at Manthan - a spirit that has seen Manthan go on to become one of the leading contenders in analytics business solutions for consumer industries worldwide. Manthan is Atul’s fourth successful venture after MicroTrack, Cybertrek and Net Kraft. And today, is among the few Indian companies that can boast an analytics portfolio that several Fortune 500 companies rely on.Atul is a known voice on technology and is sought for his views on analytics and the consumerization of technology by publications and forums worldwide. What is not known though, is that he also dabbles in poetry and takes keen interest in a wide range of subjects from movies to quantum physics. Loquacious and a polymath, Atul can hold forth the camera obscura and Johannes Vermeer as he can on analytics.
Three-dimensional printing and the uber-personalized era it will drive us into, is his current obsession. And if his maverick, entrepreneurial nature is anything to go by, this could translate into something new. And the bigger and more beautiful it sounds, the more passionate he is likely to be about it.