Grant Elliott is the CEO and Chairman of Ostendio, Inc. He first joined the company in 2013. Ostendio is an integrated risk management technology company that offers an always-on approach to information security.
Previously, Elliott was a co-founder & president at Health Care Cloud Coalition (HC3) and before that a chief operations officer & chief information security officer at Voxiva. Earlier in his career he worked with AT&T as a director of products, global data & IP.
Elliott graduated from Kingston University.
As the CEO and Chairman of Ostendio, Grant Elliott has risen to the unusual challenges that 2020-2021 has brought and he has done it with a commitment to the well-being of his team, customers, and a focus on the continued success of the company. Despite the COVID pandemic, Ostendio continues to grow its platform revenue 90% year over year. We are proud to nominate Grant Elliott as the Software Report Top Cybersecurity Executive. Elliott is an inspiring leader and hands-on manager at Ostendio. He delivers a clear vision of our company strategy and in turn, we are able to offer a market-leading cybersecurity solution to our customers. Grant Elliott founded Ostendio in 2013 to solve one of the key challenges facing IT companies – how to develop an effective security and compliance program and then demonstrate compliance to customers in a simple way. Together with the other co-founders, Elliott has grown Ostendio to be an industry leader in data security and integrated risk management. He oversees the strategic direction of the Ostendio MyVCM platform which handles over 100,000 user activities each month including; document management, security training, asset management, and vendor management. These activities mean our customers are using the Ostendio MyVCM platform to protect sensitive information, manage their risk, and work towards compliance with over 100 regulations and standards globally. Elliott is an innovative leader who is known in the Cybersecurity industry as a thought leader. He blogs regularly covering industry regulations, frameworks, and issues. Grant is a sought-after guest on industry podcasts and webinars to talk about data security and risk management. Elliott leads the focus on Ostendio work culture and involves the whole organization in building an inclusive, innovative, and welcoming place to work. He leads a company-wide program to develop agreed-upon values that we all share. As a transparent leader, Elliott shares information with the team every week covering financial and market data to ensure everyone shares the company’s successes and clearly understands the company goals. Together with the other co-founders of Ostendio, Elliott felt that support for Black Lives Matter related directly to our award-winning culture of diversity. Elliott leads Ostendio with the belief that having a diverse workplace brings innovation and creativity. Together, our founders issued a statement of support to BLM to be sure that this message was clear to all employees, customers and partners. Grant Elliott also issued a second statement in April 2021 reaffirming our goal of diversity and inclusion. As an exceptional cybersecurity CEO, Elliott encourages technical creativity at Ostendio. Our team is encouraged to find and complete training that will help them with their roles. Every team member has an account with LinkedIn Learning so they can take training that directly relates to their job or a job they aspire to have in the future. Giving back to the community has been a key element of the Ostendio philosophy from the start. Elliott encourages each member of the team to volunteer in the community, whether it is during our 2 paid days of employee volunteering each year or encouraging team members to take time off during their work day to vote. Grant was a leading voice in support of Ostendio joining Pledge One Percent – http://www.pledge1percent.com – a movement of corporate philanthropy where Ostendio pledges to give 1% of our product, profit, time and equity to causes that meet this commitment. In addition to direct donations, Ostendio provides our solution, Ostendio MyVCM, at a reduced price to qualifying non-profits. Elliott enjoys sharing his management knowledge entrepreneurial spirit as an Adjunct Professor at the Pratt Institute, New York, where he teaches management theory and leadership. Grant Elliott continues to lead Ostendio with a clear head and a clear vision of the company’s strategy and goals. He has continued to drive considerable growth and helped deliver new and innovative features to our data security and risk management platform. Grant Elliott is a positive influence on our whole industry as he encourages other providers to raise their standards. Grant Elliott deserves to be named The Software Report Best Cybersecurity Executive.