Ryan Corey



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  1. Vision, Mission, Core Values Founding Cybrary, an online learning platform, Ryan had an idea, a mission and a set of beliefs as the tools upon which he built Cybrary. If you’ve heard the description “building the plane while flying it,” that is a true description of Cybrary’s life as a start up. There was no recipe; no mold or model to follow. Ryan was venturing into the unknown. Relying on his values – Open Mindedness, Iterate Fast and Fail Fast, Follow the Numbers – Ryan guided Cybrary through those first years with scant revenue, few employees and other resources finding a way to win at each gate. I witnessed Ryan work six days a week for two years, in pursuit of winning, ie advancing, each day. Now, as a CEO of a 70-person, post Series B company that is building to scale, Ryan continues to push himself to learn and grow as a leader, business person, and community contributor. Through it all, Ryan’s conviction as a Life-long Learner (another Core Value) has ultimately manifested in Cybrary’s success and, perhaps more importantly, culture of success.

    Mid-level professional, submitted on

  2. Ryan is a natural leader who inspires both teams and individuals to perform beyond their best. The culture he has cultivated at Cybrary is based the one simple principle of “never let your teammates down”, which he himself . His deep insights in the cybersecurity and IT industries and belief in Cybrary’s ability to deliver solutions to meet customers need from the talent he has assembled, places him in the top tier of CEOs. His absolute confidence in Cybrary’s mission to help professionals develop and start careers in cybersecurity to meet the challenges of the modern world of technology, make him as a trusted, impressive leader who consistently drives the Cybrary organization to new levels of success.

    Mid-level professional, submitted on

  3. Ryan has great vision, he’s easy to work with, and he’s a very conscientious leader. He does an excellent job balancing a focus on the company’s bottom line, with caring about the culture, while making sure that we keep up a healthy pace. He’s handled the pandemic with flying colors, all while navigating a new series of investors and their expectations. I’ve run multiple businesses myself, and I look to Ryan as an inspiration as to how to do it the next time I find myself in that position.

    Mid-level professional, submitted on

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