Microsoft and BT have announced a strategic partnership to drive growth and innovation in telecommunications and shape the future of enterprise voice calling. As a result of the agreement, BT will transition its global managed services to the cloud and offer its managed voice services directly through Microsoft Teams. The initiative is also intended to aid both businesses, as well as others in the U.K. and abroad, as they recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two companies will work together to develop next-generation managed security services, building on BT’s portfolio of Microsoft cybersecurity services to enhance risk management for the expanding remote workforce. BT is already one of the first development partners for Microsoft Operator Connect and Operator Connect Conferencing, which the telecom company hopes will help create new business models and revenue streams through future innovation. In the past 12 months, the BT-managed Microsoft Teams collaboration has nearly doubled its number of users.
“BT and Microsoft are at the forefront of innovation in global digital platforms and connectivity that will take technology and communication beyond limits,” said Bas Burger, Chief Executive Officer of Global at BT. Between Microsoft’s cutting-edge development tools and resources and BT’s experience as a leading telecom and network provider, the two companies are optimistic about sparking global business growth.