In a groundbreaking move that signals a significant shift in the landscape of criminal intelligence technology, Chris Ramsey has been appointed as the CEO of Cybercheck, a leading player in the field. The transition, which took place on September 18, 2023, saw Adam Mosher, the company's visionary founder, assume the role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO), concentrating on technology innovation and client relations.
Ramsey's appointment comes with a distinguished track record spanning over three decades in the realm of software and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). His extensive experience includes the establishment of several prosperous companies, the leadership of high-growth enterprises, and key executive positions within globally recognized organizations, including Notably, as the Chief Customer Officer of NYSE: CRM, Ramsey orchestrated an impressive tripling of growth for social media listening and analytics products.
The new CEO's journey intertwines with the growth of Cybercheck's domain. Ramsey co-founded Radian6, a well-known global social media listening and analytics company that later acquired for $326 million, and held the position of Executive VP of Business Development and Product Management there prior to joining Cybercheck. His pivotal role in Radian6's success earned him the prestigious "Venture Deal of the Year" accolade from the Canadian Venture Capital Association.
Adam Mosher, now CTO of Cybercheck, expressed enthusiasm about the transformation, highlighting the alignment of interests between Ramsey's expertise and the company's mission. Having been instrumental in pioneering cutting-edge machine learning solutions for over a decade, Mosher emphasized the shared commitment to revolutionizing criminal investigations using technology. He lauded Ramsey's arrival as a monumental victory for both Cybercheck and the broader community, foreseeing accelerated growth and expanded market reach.
Cybercheck, headquartered in Fredericton, NB, Canada, stands as a beacon of innovation in the field of criminal intelligence. Leveraging advanced machine learning AI algorithms and automation, the company equips law enforcement agencies with the tools to address and solve complex criminal cases more rapidly. Its solutions have gained recognition for aiding in the resolution of cold cases that have stymied investigators for over 15 years.
Ramsey's leadership is poised to catalyze Cybercheck's evolution into a dominant force in North American law enforcement. Drawing from his experience and expertise, he envisions a future where Cybercheck's offerings are accessible to all law enforcement agencies across the continent. Ramsey sees the company as a previously untapped resource, ready to unleash its potential and positively impact society.
The appointment of Chris Ramsey as CEO is more than just a corporate shift; it signifies the advancement of technology in the pursuit of justice. With a vision that aligns with Cybercheck's aspirations, Ramsey is poised to lead the company to new heights, revealing its capabilities as a potent tool in the arsenal of law enforcement agencies. As the field of criminal intelligence technology continues to evolve, Cybercheck, under Ramsey's leadership, is set to emerge as a game-changer, solving the unsolvable and bringing closure to victims and families around the nation.