
Google Spins-Off Sandbox AQ — AI And Quantum Computing Platform Targeting Cybersecurity

Once a secret project of Alphabet, Sandbox AQ has been launched — and spun out from its Google parent company. Combining artificial intelligence and quantum computing, Sandbox AQ is leveraging the two technologies to develop software-as-a-service (SaaS) products that take on cybersecurity, drug research, navigation, and more. In 2016, tech researcher and entrepreneur Jack Hidary founded Sandbox AQ at Alphabet, and with the company spinoff, he is now its first Chief Executive Officer.

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One of Sandbox’s primary focuses is on post-quantum cryptography — preparation for the impending quantum computing era by updating algorithms and standards. Cybersecurity, in general, is already a major concern for organizations of all sizes worldwide, and Hidary’s newest venture aims to make post-quantum solutions for yet-unknown challenges.

Protecting intellectual property is another goal of Sandbox AQ, especially IP in the healthcare and pharmaceutical landscape. That includes guarding protected drug formulas and sensitive financial records, both for patients and organizations. Hidary’s company already offers software to perform vulnerability scans throughout an enterprise’s network, which catalogs the information and offers migration solutions. The CEO sees this process as the first step businesses can take to protect themselves from quantum threats.