IBM To Expand India Software Lab Presence With New Center In Kerala

IBM, a global leader in information technology and computing, plans to increase its presence in the southern region of India with a new Software Lab in Kochi, Kerala. IBM Software Labs, established in five continents, are the company’s hub for research and development of new innovations, technologies, and some of its strongest assets. Kochi will be the home of a state-of-the-art product engineering, design and development center aiming to advance hybrid cloud and AI technologies. IBM has a large footprint in India, including currently-operating Software Labs in Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, and Chennai.

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The expansion is the latest of IBM’s efforts to shape the future of software development with an open, secure, and decentralized architecture that helps its clients automate, secure, modernize, and forecast. The new center will build upon the strengths of the Indian tech workforce and align with the vision of Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for a “digital knowledge economy.” The new Software Lab will focus on developing solutions, infusing global design techniques, agile methodologies, and advanced technologies, including automation, AI, and network security, to support the requirements of the government and global customers, the Chief Minister hopes. The initiative is being led by IBM India Managing Director Sandip Patel and Vice President of IBM India Software Labs Gaurav Sharma.